Welcome to The FPL Fan web site.
I have been playing fantasy football for many years and finally decided to build a web site just about it. Also, I recently set up a separate Twitter account just about FPL – so I don’t bother/spam the timelines of people who follow my personal Twitter account and don’t care about fantasy football. Or even know what it is!
If you want to follow my Twitter, its @thefpl_fan.
Now I do NOT claim at all to be an expert, I will not get you high up in the overall rank. If I could do that, I would have finished higher myself. You would think considering how long I have played I would be better!
I have been playing some form of fantasy football since I was about 16 ish. This was well before you could play fantasy football online.
To play, you had to check the scores of each player in a newspaper – I think it was the Telegraph newspaper?? Every single player was listed and it showed the points scored that gameweek.
I have been playing FPL (Fantasy Premier League) since the 2006/07 season. This was when it was not as popular and far fewer players – about 1.2m players. Nowadays its almost 8m players (teams) – its really grown a lot the last 4 years or so. End of 2015/16 season, there were 3.7m players, and this season looks on track for 8m players. In particular I think last 2-3 years and now there is so much information from web sites, podcasts, streams, videos.
Now you would think after all this time playing FPL/fantasy football, I would be really good. That is not really the case!! LOL. My best rank was 77k back in 2011/12 but that was when there were a lot fewer players than now. My best season (percentile wise) was 2018/19 with a rank of 84,922 – top 1.2%.
Here is history of my ranks –
The population figure is number of players – it looks like up to 2011/12 season, the figures are only approximate. You can see that since 2016/17, I have started taking things more serious and getting better – last season could have been better but it went really downhill last few weeks. I’ll blame COVID! To find out your own career history, go to the Game Change web site and also check out their other FPL tools such as how you have done compared to others and what if you made no transfers. More useful towards end of the season!
Outside of FPL, I am a freelance web designer based (Citrus Cube Design) in Manchester, UK. (And before someone mentions, this web site is just using a theme. At some point I will design it myself but I just wanted to get something online quickly – before the season starts and now that the game is live).
(I also have another web site/blog where I post stuff now and then about things like movies, food and also some football related stuff. Its called Squaremonitor.com).
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